Daal, Bhat, Tarkar and Achar is the main staple diet of most Nepali People in Nepal. "Daal" refers as Lentils in English. "Bhat" as Rice, "Tarkar" as Curried Vegetables. However the food may differ from one culture to another.

The Diet is quite energetic and tasty. More over than other food Nepali prefer Daal, Bhat, Tarkari.
Nepali food also includes many snacks which is most popular among inside and outside country. The list of Snacks are
"Chatamari" the food made of rice flour flat bread cooked over heat with toppings such as minced meat (with or without some vegetable), egg, sugar or no topping
"Choyla" grilled /roasted spicy meat. usually eaten as appetizer with liquor
"Samay Baji" beaten rice with roasted meat, smoked fish, boiled-then-fried egg, black soybeans and diced ginger.usually a ritual food
"Sekuwa" grilled meat usually made from mutton, duck, chicken, buff, wild boar.
"Sukuti" spicy dried meat roasted over a charcoal fire.
Looks so delicious@,